The Red & White & Blue Business Directory


I think it is important for all of us to do business with other "like-minded" people. Let's keep our business within our own group. Let's support each other. We do NOT want to support any business working against God, Family and Country. Because of this I have come up with a couple of ideas (and I am always open to better ones if you have any).
Here is a location for all Patriots to list their business's, and then people like you and me can go to them and purchase items from your business's.

Become a member of the "Red, White and Blue" Business Directory. There's an annual fee of $120.00 or $10.00 per ad requested for your business to be listed in this directory. Please send cash or money orders (with the "payee" left blank) to the post office box at the bottom of this page. I DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS OR USE PLASTIC. Call the phone number at the bottom of this page if you have any questions

I remain...

Your lady in liberty,
Lady Liberty
(Patricia A. Saye)
c/o P. O. Box #15070
Las Vegas, Nevada
Phone: (702) 649-6808